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  • Varieties: Cavendish Banana
  • Type: Fresh
  • Size: Hands 456; Hands 789
  • Origin: India
  • Packaging: 9kg/13kg/13.5kg Carton Box
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Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world, its origin is native to Southeast Asia and now expand in over 100 countries. This type of fruit is a type of berry with initial green peel, sweet favor, and yellow skin when ripe. It is a tropical climate and natural land that has promoted the considerable progress of Viet Nam’s banana cultivation, which becomes an important source of income for farmers.

Bananas vary in size, color, and shape, the typical kind is Cavendish. The superiority of bananas over other crops is that they are all-year-around, easy to preserve and can use for cooking or some desserts. There are countless nutrients in a banana such as fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and various antioxidants and phytonutrients. Specifically, people can absorb vitamin B6 in banana easily, which helps our body diminish redundant chemicals from our liver and kidneys and maintains a strong nervous system. Manganese in bananas also retards the aging process, makes collagen to protect our skin. Furthermore, bananas are known as “panacea” for our digestion, heart health, daily diet: foster good bacteria, safeguard against bowel disorder, reduce our appetite to support weight loss, and provide almost Potassium content we need to control blood pressure, lower risk of cardiopathy.